Esther Miltiadous BSc Hons, MSc, MSTAT Alexander Technique for Oakwood and Enfield

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Websites of interest

The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique gives more detailed information on the technique, its history, research and benefits etc.

The London Centre for Alexander Technique and Training

Educare Small School

The Royal College of Music At the RCM I have assisted the Alexander teachers Judith Kleinman and Prof. Peter Buckoke.

Alexander Now is Judith Kleinman and Peter Buckoke's website.

The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique is a great website with lots of information about the Alexander Technique.

Body Learning: The Alexander Technique are podcasts on all different aspects of the Alexander Technique aimed at both teachers and students, well worth a listen.

Links/Research/Articles. books


These two books are great introductions to the Alexander Technique, they are some of the first books I read.

Body Learning, An Introduction to the Alexander Technique. By Michael J Gelb
Body, Breath and Being, a new guide to the Alexander Technique. By Carolyn Nicholls

Another good, easy to follow book is

The Alexander Technique Workbook. The Complete Guide to Health, Poise and Fitness By Richard Brennan

Judith Kleinman and Peter Buckoke have written a great book for musicians on the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique for Musicians by Judith Kleinman and Peter Buckoke

All these books are great to get a feel for the technique, but they are no substitute for getting lessons from a teacher. As Alexander Technique is taught with gentle hands on, this is something that can not be experienced through books!


A major trial comparing the benefits of Alexander Technique lessons with exercise and massage for chronic and recurrent back pain was published in the British Medical Journal in 2008. It was found that Alexander Technique gave long term beneficial effects including (1) significantly reducing the number of days of pain (2) function improved and (3) quality of life improved. It also proved cost effective!

Little, P. (2008) Randomised controlled trial of Alexander Technique lessons, exercise and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain, BMJ 2008; 337:a884

Below are a couple of short films summarising the findings of the study, press play to find out more.

Posture affects mood! - Amy Cuddy in the New York Times (December 2015)
Amy Cuddy, Professor of social psychology and expert on non-verbal communication writes about how "i posture"(the way we use our touch screen technology) is not just ruining our physical posture but also our mood. It's an interesting article about the physical-emotional link that operates within us something that Alexander Technique teaches and helps us better understand. We feel better emotionally when we use ourselves in a more poised, balanced and released way! For the full article click here

2nd November 2015, Reuters reports on a Major study into Neck Pain. Both Alexander Technique and Acupuncture give long term benefits and result in a reduction in pain of 30% well after all sessions had been taken. "No other single treatment is known to provide long term benefits" . Click here for the full article.

How School Furniture is ruining our Childrens' Physical Health School Furniture Report by BackCare (The Charity for Healthy Backs)
The research behind our Schools Chair Campaign. See article below.

There are other studies of the effectiveness of AT in different fields, for more info go to The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.

Links/Research/Articles. woman weekly

Media Articles

Coaching: The standing start, by Dr Sean Carey in Athletics Weekly January 31, 2018

A standing start should mean just that, says Dr Sean Carey. Here he outlines how your posture matters at the start of any distance race.
Dr Sean Carey is a social anthropologist and an Alexander Technique Teacher.
To read more click here.

New Research: Posture has a direct impact on your mood!

Previous studies have found slouching can crush self-esteem and energy. But, a new study in New Zealand has tested the theory on people with depression. They found that sitting up straight boosted energy, enthusiasm, and attention. Click here for a Daily Mail article about the research.

The Alexander Technique understands this link. It is a psychophysical discipline, in other words AT recognises the link between mind, body and emotions. The way we feel is expressed in the body, just think back to a time when you were either very happy or sad or excited, how did your body look or feel? Could other people tell how you were feeling? The way we think can alter how we hold ourselves, but conversely, the way we hold ourselves has an influence on how we think and feel.

The Alexander Technique teaches us to recognise unhelpful habits in the way we think and move. It teaches us how to use ourselves with less tension, more poise and balance physically, mentally and emotionally. People often come to Alexander Technique looking for a solution to back or neck pain, but leave saying they feel lighter, freer and calmer too. Try it and see for yourself!

Use the Alexander Technique to Meditate More Comfortably

There is a new article in Lion's Roar magazine explaining how Alexander Technique can make meditating more comfortable. As a mediator myself and an Alexander Teacher this is something that is close to my heart. Click here to read the article.

I am featured in Woman's Weekly!

In the magazine's June 21st 2016 Issue, Health Choices page I give an interview on what lead me into the Alexander Technique, what its about, how I work as an Alexander Technique teacher and what a lesson might be like.

Only Adults get bad backs? Meet the children crippled by modern life.
This article, published on the 24th March 2016, in The Daily Mail explains how the Alexander Technique helps in combating the stresses and strains of modern life on our children. One mother thinks the Alexander Technique should be on the curriculum! This is a subject I feel passionately about and as a result I teach Alexander skills to both primary and secondary age children in schools. To see more about Alexander work in schools click here, to read the Daily Mail article click here

The Daily Mail: How to stop shrinking in middle age.
20th August 2015, The Daily Mail ran a story all about the Alexander Technique and how it can stop you shrinking in middle age, especially women. Click here for the full article.

How can I get rid of back pain without the need for taking pills?
13th April 2015 the Daily Mirror compared 10 ways of combating back pain. The Alexander Technique came top and was given 5/5!
Click here to read the full article.

The Guardian April 2015
Is your child sitting uncomfortably? Then we’ll begin
Those hard stacking chairs found in classrooms across the country may be giving schoolchildren bad backs. So one woman is campaigning to make lessons less painful.
Alexander Technique teachers are raising the awareness of the fact that poor classroom chairs are causing problems for our children in terms of health and creating a difficult environment to concentrate in. Judith Kleinman is interviewed.

Alexander Technique in the Workplace is an article from TalkBack online magazine, from BackCare. It looks at where AT has been used in the workplace as a education tool for the prevention of back pain and to promote health and wellbeing.

Too much at stake for musicians - Lynne Midwinter gives advice on what musicians can do to resolve occupational injury and recover their ability to play. She is advising her readers to listen to their bodies and includes the AT as a physical reeducation approach which can help.

The Alexander Technique and Health - Great article by Korina Biggs (MSTAT - Sussex) on the AT with a number of case studies.

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